As we continue to celebrate our 25th anniversary I am pleased to give you a peek into what is coming next.
Sometime in the next day or so, we will be announcing the pre-production run of the next Bridge City Essential–an updated version of our MG-4 Marking Gage and calling it the MG-5. Stainless steel, black chrome…OK, I will fess up–this black chrome is the coolest stuff–I am hooked.
Frankly, the world does not need another marking gage but this one is notable because it has two “business ends” one, a beveled cutter for straight work and a scribe pin for following curves. It is small, fits the hand great and the black chrome just feels oh so sexy.
We are working on pricing but the MG-5 will be well under $150 so it won’t break the bank…hell, what I am thinking, all the banks are broken! Don’t know how many we are going to make yet and don’t know if we will make it again (We are in the anti-inventory business) so give it a ponder.
Here’s a Sneak Peek of the prototype;
Very classy! I’m a big fan of having multiple marking gauges so I can leave them set up until the project is done. The MG-4 is a great size for hinges and other hardware, so this will be a great addition to the tool collection.
I also have to ask about the teaser you left on the forum about the next JMP. Can you give anymore info, and will the first batch be upgradable? And while I’m “mining” for info, any hints on CT-16?
Thanks, Rutager
We are in testing phases for the Jointmaker v2. IF (and it is a big if) what we are testing works, yes we will be able to offer upgrade packages for those that desire them.
The CT-16 will be announced within 4 weeks–here’s a hint, what is new is old and what is old is new. NO MORE CLUES!
Very nice! Any chance one of these will be available to fondle (er – admire?) at the upcoming WIA conference?
Love the new marking gauge, John. I can hardly wait to see it in real life. And fortunately it’s the one marking gauge I don’t have, so I can probably justify buying it. Yay!
I’m on tenterhooks (whatever they are) about the CT-16!
– Peter
We will have a prototype at WIA.
I can hardly wait!
– Peter
I cannot begin to tell you how much I do NOT need another marking gauge.
So, where do I sign?
You and your ilk are killing me.
Unfortunately I seem to enjoy it. 
I think adding some tracked wheels, a servo motor or two and a radio control unit would go a long way towards the next generation marking gauge. Or maybe I’m watching too many TV shows?
I like your thinking but just to add to it we could then make each arm movable and enter it in the robot wars. We would be small but could be quite dangerous much like a scorpion.
I confess: I am dumb. What are you two talking about?
I don’t know if they still have them or not but they used to have these robot wars where people built these incredible machines with saws and and all kinds of other cutting or crushing implements and then they would be put in a ring and fight each other through the use of remote controls. Also the idea that you are in any manner dumb is just not possible. I am however sorry about the confusion.
Hello John,
I’m new to this blog, I noticed your 21 Drawer Silver chest from the 70’s. If that’s a semi updated picture it still looks great. Would you care to reveal what you used for a finish?
Welcome Mark!
The finish was homemade;
1/2 turpentine, 1/2 boiled linseed oil. Two coats, slopped on, allowed to dry and scrubbed with 0000 steel wool after each coat. This is work.
1/3 tung oil (not the raw stuff), 1/3 linseed oil, 1/3 marine gloss spar varnish, two thin coats wiped on with a rag and allowed to dry between coats.
Lastly, about 2/3 quart of linseed oil and the balance of shredded bees wax. This is put on with 0000 steel wool and buffed off with a rag. The oil was heated in a double boiler (IMPERATIVE) to melt the wax.
This finish was taught to me by Sam Maloof. I have never used the commercial version sold by Rockler, but that is what I would most likely use now.
Thanks, I’ll try this out sometime. If it’s good enogh for Sam it sure is for me and the rest of us mere mortals. Your work inspires us all. Thanks