Back From America’s Heartland…Nobody Will Recover.


“Never forget that only dead fish swim with the stream.” — Malcolm Muggeridge

Having spent two weeks in Indianapolis doing my penance at the Marc Adams School of Woodworking, I am anxious to dispense a dose of drivel…

I felt both of the classes I taught went well. I will post more on the Tool Making class later. The “Thinking Creative” workshop was really fun. I won’t share all that we did, but each day we spent 20 minutes warming-up by creating “Frankenstein” headlines from the daily newspaper. Here are a couple of my favorites;

Never taught a class with such weird names… Bessie Ballstinker. Kendall Outhouse-Injector. Ernie Noodlehoser. Tobias Dogdoer. Bartholomew Stoolswiper. It was a wild week. And I for one am glad to get home to inform all that the CT-17 soles are all ground, and today, they started on squaring the sides to the soles…oh so close!


4 comments on this post:

  1. Great headlines! I especially like the last one.

    I wish I’d been there. Sounds like the creative valves were opened, and ideas spilled forth. Hope you were wearing boots.

    – Peter

    P.S. Re your epigraph: if live fish always swam against the current, then how do salmon get to the ocean?

  2. Salmon are totally confused. Can’t make up their mind regarding salt water or fresh…so back and forth they go.

    That is my story and I totally agree with myself.


  3. I think we wore John out. Only 3 paragraphs and no Megan Fox references.

    A few dozen pictures are available in the gallery, however it might be a spoiler to anyone thinking about taking this class in the future.

    This quote might have been applicable on the last day of class:
    “The best laid schemes of Mice and Men
    oft go awry,
    And leave us nothing but grief and pain,
    For promised joy!” — Robert Burns


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