CT-17 Disemboweled…Other Tasty Stuff Too…


“Creativity is merely a plus name for regular activity. Any activity becomes creative when the doer cares about doing it right, or better.” — John Updike

After a lengthy delay, we are pleased to announce that the wait for the CT-17 Dual Angle Block Plane will soon be over. The first wave leaves our warehouse early next week and it will take about 2-3 weeks to ship them all. If you have one on order, a tracking number will be coming to your inbox soon.

Since there has never been a block plane like this, we thought it might be fun to show how they are assembled–particularly for those of you who take things apart…

The limited edition Crowning Plane that we announced a couple of weeks ago (we are only making 50) will soon be sold out. We will announce this to our entire database later this week–there are 7 remaining. If you have been sitting on the fence regarding this offer, time is short. Call for details. 1-800-253-3332

Lastly, a couple of weeks ago I attended the “Dwell on Design” conference in LA and while there, Roger Savatteri hosted a meet & greet for those interested in the Jointmaker Pro. I will add my take on both events AFTER we get all of these planes delivered!


8 comments on this post:

  1. Oh man. Now I’m even more excited about getting my CT-17! Thanks for a great video. I can hardly wait to put it to wood.

    Looks to me like the jaws of your channel locks need a little more tape…

    Looking forward to hearing about the “Dwell on Design” conference. Sounds like a blast!

    – Peter

  2. John,

    Great video, I wouldn’t have known where to oil it otherwise. Cool demo on how little pressure is needed for a bevel up design; I imagine bevel down needs a “ton” more pressure to overcome blade chatter.

    I know that the final product is what really matters, but damn I love the journey, thanks for showing us what goes into making and using the tools.


  3. Thanks Rutager.

    Now for more a serious discussion; with your MN gov’t shutdown, rumor on the street is the state is going to run out of beer. How would a woodworker survive under those conditions?


  4. John,

    I just read about that this morning, apparently there is a stste license that bars need to buy their booze, and some of those have or are going to expire soon. If anything is going to force both parties to come together and reach a balanced budget, a beer shortage will be it.


  5. John,

    Apparently the situation is worse; MillerCoors Co. is not “legally” able to sell any beer in MN because their distributors license wasn’t processed before the shutdown. They have a 38 percent market share here. I’m not a drinker, so I’m not affected by it. So as long as BCTW can sell their addictive products here I won’t suffer any withdrawl symptoms.


  6. Rutager;

    One way to expedite the legislative log jam, maybe the fastest way, is to deprive voting citizens of their vices. I am guessing this won’t last long now…


  7. hey guys, my ct-17 arrived safe and sound. when the shaving fell out of the box i sigured that it was test driven before shipment. can’t wait to use it. know it has been a long slog but from the looks, well worth the wait.

  8. Every single CT-17 was set-up by yours truly-and I am really pleased to share that the test drive process kicked out a couple of problem children…

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