Creativity Contest #1–Got Game?


“Creativity involves breaking out of established patterns in order to look at things in a different way.”
— Edward de Bono

Drivel Starved Nation! Here is an opportunity to win a valuable FREE PRIZE–got your attention yet?

It’s summer–we are all supposed to be having fun! So take a break from swatting mosquitoes and consider this totally awesome new contest that I wish I had thought up. Hey, I did think this up! Never mind.

Got plenty more things to think up too. So do you.

While teaching at Marc Adams School of Woodworking earlier this year, one of my intrepid students planted this calk gun on my bench. (Note to Self: Curriculum needs to be harder.)

While pretending to be amused, I snapped a pic on my cell phone which I figured would not turn out since I don’t know how to use the camera on my cell phone. Imagine my surprise when I found it this morning.

Now imagine your surprise when you win a valuable FREE PRIZE out of the millions of entries that are sure to pour in chasing this valuable FREE PRIZE!

Here is all you have to do: 1) Find your calk gun. 2) Insert a cartridge. 3) Create your very own label. Or two. Or Three. 4) Snap a pic. 5) Email pic(s) to: by August 29, 2011 6) Wait until August 30 when the winner will be announced.

The valuable FREE PRIZE will be awarded to the most fun, original, out-of-the-box idea. Extra points for plausibility–maybe. There are no other restrictions other than those you place upon yourself–and if you do place restrictions on yourself, shame on you.

The idea is to have fun–as in LAUGH OUT LOUD fun.


11 comments on this post:

  1. Oooo! This is going to be fun!

    Now, where’s my caulk gun? Damn – it’s glued to the camera…

    – Peter

  2. John, you are on, John? 😮 😮 If I cannot best Peter and Rutager than my life is meaningless and I will be left to suffer here in my shop with my boys. Whoa, Wo, Woe is me. 😮 Does it matter if I do not know how to use a caulking gun? I have several and I have placed them around the house but every morning when I check, nothing. They are useless. 😮 Fred

  3. You probably left the safety on on your caulking gun, Fred.

    Just tryin’ to help a friend.

    – Peter

  4. Fred,
    Don’t take this contest literally…what kind of calk gun did your doctor use during your last physical? just saying’…


  5. Hee hee. That was my first thought, John. But Sharon said I should stay away from “bathroom” humor. Guess she doesn’t read this totally awesome and worthless blog…

    – Peter

  6. Bathroom humor plays to my wheelhouse, but (he said butt) it seems too easy to go that route with something called “caulk” that also has a long tip. So I may have to take the high road on this contest- I’m thinking, I might have a couple good ones.


  7. Peter,

    Are you pointing out my sloppy sentence structure or are you having a hard time believing that there could be some good ideas for a caulk tube that doesn’t involve bathroom humor? I won’t argue that it will be tough if not impossible to take the high road on this contest, but (there it is again!)I’m going to try and keep my entry clean.


  8. Nah – I was thinking in the vein of bathroom humor, and what “a couple of good ones” might mean. If you catch my drift.


    Best of luck on the high road. I know Fred will be looking up at you there. Not sure where I’ll be yet, as my first idea was pretty much along the lines of John’s rather unsubtle allusion…

    – Peter

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