Ramblings, Stuff, Things…Drivel … Really.


“Nothing is done. Everything in the world remains to be done or done over. The greatest picture is not yet painted, the greatest play isn’t written, the greatest poem is unsung. There isn’t in all the world a perfect railroad, nor a good government, nor a sound law. Physics, mathematics, and especially the most advanced and exact of the sciences are being fundamentally revised. . . Psychology, economics, and sociology are awaiting a Darwin, whose work in turn is awaiting an Einstein.” — Lincoln Steffens

Website Changes
As mentioned a couple of posts back, we have been modifying our website to be more useful for our customers. There is now a “Schedule” tab on our home page that will take you to updates on everything we are making. Our goal is to make this page not only a schedule, but a learning tool for those of you who are not in manufacturing. The numerous steps and processes required to bring a product from our web store to your door can be fascinating. At least we hope to make it that way. If you have comments or suggestions regarding our production schedule info, please chime in!

75% of our orders have now been shipped. We will get the balance out in the next couple of weeks. So…for those of you who now have this tool in your hand, how ’bout a virtual penny for your thoughts? Good or Bad, we want to hear what you have to say.

Oh Gee…Ogee!
Ogee is a term loosely used to describe all curved moldings. Next week we will ship two new profiles in the ogee family that are simply a joy to use. Watching these profiles emerge from a square corner is an amazing experience. Feeling the results is equally enjoyable. The pic below illustrates how crisp the details can be with a sharp iron…

Like everything we make, these were all pre-sold. Looks like we might have 5-10 sets remaining, and if this interests you, call 1-800-253-3332 and get your name on the wait list.

Regarding profiles that are not in stock…we think we have some good news. I spoke with one of our suppliers this week and they are willing to do very small runs when they are “tacked” on to one of our big runs. More details to follow. We will be introducing two new profiles in mid-to late August, so we may be able fill in some holes for many of you.

On My Way To Work Department…
When running a company you never know when you are going to meet future employees–especially walking to work at 6:30 in the AM. Yesterday was so nice here in Portland I hoofed it to work–it is 4.5 miles each way but almost 3 miles is through Tryon Creek State Park. And although I rarely bump into people, yesterday I think I found a perfect candidate for our next “Production Scheduler”. And as it so happened, I had plenty of time to snap a pic…

And now, as I edit this Totally Awesome and Worthless Blog, this pic of Cornu aspersa (formerly Helix aspersa, Cantareus aspersus, and Cryptomphalus aspersus…aren’t you impressed? Don’t be, I cut and pasted it from the link above, which is everything you need to know about Brown Garden Snails) has given me yet another visual to use in my Design workshops. Just look at the richness in this critter–texture is everywhere–including an unforeseen beauty found in the close-up of the asphalt.

Isn’t it amazing what the world has to offer when you take the time to look?


9 comments on this post:

  1. John, I applaud your hiring of Cornu, your new employee. I’m guessing that the production will speed up immensely now – good move hiring someone with two neurons (and only two neurons) to rub together.

    I pity those poor people at the end of the shipping list for the CT-17. I’ve already put mine through a fairly serious workout, and I love this tool. I’ve found it to be particularly comfortable to hold when pulling, as well as pushing. When pulling the shavings make a soft tickling pile under your palm. A very interesting experience. And as I said in my review, I’m continually impressed with how easily the plane clears the chips. I’ve never had a mouth-clogging problem. It’s just a delight to use.

    – Peter

  2. Peter-

    I can tell by the length and frequency of your posts that you never have had mouth-clogging problems…

    Oh, and thanks for the CT-17 kudos too!


  3. Ha! Good one, John!

    The key to posting frequently and lengthily is to ration the forums on which I post. Turns out you’re just one of the (two) lucky ones. How ’bout that?

    – Peter

  4. John,

    I’m loving the schedule updates. Should be home in a month or so and if my wife hasn’t sold all of my earthly possessions, I’m expecting several BCTW boxes waiting for me.
    Do you think your supplier would be able to offer some of the older profiles in the newer HP6V2 format?


    P.S. When I asked about fixing a Blackhawk with the PV-2, they mentioned something about deadly force and not being a good idea. I may be able to photoshop something up, though.

  5. I think the schedule page is a great idea! I am glad to see the KM-1 will be ready around September. I’ll be sure to keep an eye out to snag one.


  6. John,

    Thought I would log on and say your schedule tab is a nice dimension. I like it!

    That being said, you should have consulted me before ordering parts from Italy. We have certain processing components (high pressure hydrogen compressors) that are made in Italy. I can tell you that there is NO other vendor in the world as independent as an Italian vendor. If I can dare to generalize, they DON’T CARE about your schedule. You may wish to move the delivery to the very bottom of your list (below delivery of our surprise!)

    I’m curious about using a pin vice to repair a Blackhawk…I’m sure John would LOVE a government contract – In the 1970’s you could sell hammers for $2,000.00. Imagine what a pin vice would bring for repair of a Blackhawk…..


  7. Really pleased to learn that our Schedule page is being warmly received. It will get better too–Michael is going to try his best to make it a learning tool as well as an information depot. We should have done this ten years ago…shame on me.

    @Dave: First, glad to learn you will be stateside soon. AND, you should have several boxes waiting… AND yes, we are going to try and get people caught up with profiles, slowly but surely.


  8. I just checked out the Schedule page – fun! I love the pictures of the AMP-v2 in progress. Somehow it didn’t occur to me that there was so much aluminum milled away. Impressive.

    Soooo… what about this C18? When will we hear? My wallet trembles in fear.

    – Peter

    P.S. And surprises? I love surprises!

  9. John,

    Peter took the words right out of my mouth about the CT-18????????? 😮 I am more than a bit upset as you stole Cornu from me. He has been building my bench and not building my EC. 😮 The schedule page is awesome, so thank you very much.


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