Woodworking in America: The Jointmaker Pro Dream Team Revealed…


“If you limit your choices only to what seems possible or reasonable, you disconnect from yourself, from what you truly want, and all that is left is a compromise.” — Robert Fritz

Geez, in six weeks Woodworking in America opens–can’t wait this year because of our “experiment”.

We are going to have several booths putting numerous Jointmaker Pro’s through their paces. No, that is not the “experiment”.

Both Michael and I will be there. No, that is not the “experiment” either.

Our booths will be manned by customers. Yes, this is the experiment.

I know our “Dream Team” members are chomping at the bit for me to lift the gag order on how we selected them (payola if you must know–I am almost rich. Again.). Thought you might enjoy knowing who will be showing off their Jointmaker Pro skills;

For you Drivel Starved Nation regulars, the name Rutager West is no stranger. He hails from Minnesota and is a jig and fixture genius. You will love talking with him.

When we were soliciting victims volunteers, I received an email with the following header: Oh! Oh! Pick me! Pick me!
I am a sucker for begging but Paul-Marcel St-Onge is not. He will be flying in from Arizona to show off his JMP skills.

Being from Iowa, I am thrilled to share that Iowan Laurie Bergen will join the team. Although we have never met, at least I don’t think we have ever met, I am looking forward to seeing her JMP work. Oh, her JMP works, meant to say can wait to see her work on a JMP.

Last but not least, representing the beautiful state of Colorado is Joimtmaker Pro owner Masood Garahi. Masood was a student at my Creative Thinking class this past spring, and jumped at the chance to come to WIA. This guy has more energy than a Forumla 1 car–lot’s of fun too!

More on all of these folks later–this is going to be the most fun trade-show we have ever done. (Note-to-self: Make payment on credit card before leaving Portland). We will have other tools on display as well, but primarily, we are going to build stuff with the JMP’s. I hope you can join us!

Now For Something Completely Different Dept.

Last week I visited approximately 150 galleries in NYC over 5 days. Here are a couple of whimsical pieces that were in a prominent gallery–at least I hope they are whimsical…

I loved these things–snow globes that is…

These were about 5-6″ in diameter. I will get to the woodworking discoveries later…


5 comments on this post:

  1. If you think getting out of that spider’s web is hard, you should try getting out of a snow globe. 😮 Fred

  2. That’s a pretty talent=packed Dream Team, John. This is going to be a really fun WIA. I’m all booked, and looking forward to meeting more people, playing with more tools, and probably coming home considerably poorer (at least in the monetary department).

    Those snow globes are pretty wild. Do they have snow in them – other than the snow-like base? Did you get to shake one? That spider one looks pretty delicate.

    – Peter

    P.S. Fred – when have you ever had to find out how hard it is to get out of a snow globe?

  3. Great team of demonstrators (and entertainers) you have lined up, John. I hope to make it to WIA this year.


  4. John, I have to agree with Peter about your dream team. They are going to be correct and my bet is that you will be doing this again next year. By then, dare I say it, maybe Peter will have purchased a JMP. 😮 😮 Fred

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