2012 Special Edition Rabbet Plane…We are Only Making 50


“ Imagination is the one weapon in the war against reality.”
— Jules de Gaultier



For the past couple of years we have produced a series of stainless steel planes based upon the original Foxtail Shoulder Plane–all have been milled from a solid billet of stainless steel.


This year’s limited edition is a rabbet plane. More details to follow, but here are a couple of images. Most of these are spoken for but we will have a couple available and will announce those details in a week or so.




16 comments on this post:

  1. John,

    Beautiful, simply beautiful.
    I really like the sensual flow of the depth stop and also noticed a scoring cutter on the out board side, does that mean that all the attachments can be flipped to the other side?


  2. Will this sole work with last year’s body? If so, will you be offering the sole / depth stop as a separate package?

  3. John,

    Is this plane also considered the 30th anniversary tool, or is that something different and if so, will it be a Fab 50 tool, or in it’s own special category?

    Speaking of 30th, do you have the exact dates yet, and is there room on your couch for the entire DSN?



  4. Rutager-

    This plane is the 2012 SE Rabbet Plane and is not associated with our 30th anniversary.

    Announcement and date coming soon!


  5. John,

    Off topic slightly; I just received my AS-24v3 and cursors and, not to sound too dense, but I understand using the single line on the cursor to transfer my measurement to my stock, but was wondering the purpose or benefit to the 32nd scale on the other side. I know once you explain it, I’ll go “duh, of course!”


  6. Rutager,

    Those grads allow you to make offset marks (within the span of grads) without shifting the cursor. It is a detail that is handy when needed, which to some may mean never.

    Is that a “duh” moment?


  7. On a related note…when are we going to start seeing other sole/iron combinations for last year’s SE Crowning Plane? (or do I have to think about making them myself?)


  8. John,

    This blog is supposed to be about drivel and now you want facts?

    The pressure here is killing me….

    My short answer is don’t make a thing.


  9. Oh, now we’re putting John on the spot? Excellent.

    At the Pasadena WIA, many people came up and mentioned how uncomfortable I made them- no, no, that wasn’t it, they all said every other brand of shoulder plane hurt their hands, but the BCTW version felt very nice, so my question is: when is the cut away version of the HP-7 going to be made?


  10. This plane is stunning, John. Just gorgeous. Wow.

    My one concern would be trying to put a rabbet on a narrow, thin piece of wood: the fence extends quite a way below the sole. How would you raise the piece and clamp it for cutting the rabbet? I guess you could slice the rabbeted piece of a larger plank. I can see why you made the fence as you did – it has to slide under the sole to do a more narrow rabbet. But would there be any way to make a thinner (vertically) fence for the thin pieces of wood? I see that your piece is magically floating in the air to accommodate the depth of the fence…

    — Peter

  11. Peter:

    Really doesn’t matter how far the fence protrudes below the sole–most rabbets I have cut by hand my stock overhangs the bench.

    If you need to rabbet thin stock where it would be possible to actually break the stock, then it needs to be scabbed onto a backing board.

    Make sense?


  12. Yep. Though I’ve never heard the term “scabbed” before. Woodworkers have the best jargon! Swarf. Rabbet. Spelch. Dado. Rutager.

    — Peter

  13. By the way, I really love the lines of that fence. The chamfered curve between the posts is really graceful, and the cutouts give it even more lightness. Beautiful!

    — Peter

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