YIKES!!! Major OVERLOAD During This Sale!!!

Folks, the toilet is overflowing here in a big way! PLEASE DO NOT SUBMIT YOUR ORDER MORE THAN ONCE.

That said, the pipeline through our site can’t handle this volume. Lets all assume your orders are screwed up–we will fix them one by one. WE HAVE NEVER SEEN ANYTHING LIKE THIS.

Oh boy…

Your Frustrated BCTW Team…

21 comments on this post:

  1. John,

    Molasses flowing in subzero Antartica is quicker than the BCTW site during a sale.

    Well, I know, it’s a test of patience.


  2. well…

    BCT server 1, me 0. The deal breaker is not indicating which item is out of stock at the very last stage of checkout (nice to know though)

    With each item taking minutes to add, finding which one(s) are gone is an exercise in frustration.

    On the positive side, seems like the sale is quite popular.

  3. Can you clarify the request to not submit your order more than once? For example, when I submit my order I receive an error that says not all of my items are available in the quantities I have in my cart. My assumption is that my order is not submitted if I don’t see a confirmation message stating my order is complete. Is that correct?

  4. John, should we just remain logged into our accounts? Do you have the necessary info e.g. credit card #, shipping, billing etc?

  5. If you have any more vgroove and rabbit profiles I would like to sign up. I added them and they disappeared. This was an awesome sale though.

  6. john and crew, i’m having a drink on your behalf. sorry, i’m sure i was one of the multiple button pushers. would airdropping a load of toilet paper help?

  7. Ok read this and I will quit trying, but everything is still in my cart and it keeps crashing when trying to check out so I have no way of knowing if it ever got submitted. It is frustrating on this end also.

  8. John…I must admit that this was the MOST frustrating experience in a long time.
    It was not the wait in ordering items, it was at the end trying to check out. At the last step it would say that something was not available BUT WOULD NOT SAY WHAT!!!! YIKES!!!
    Please work with your guys to make the check out more user friendly. Thanks for letting the vent.

  9. PEOPLE!

    Trust us, we get it. We created a FUBAR situation for our best customers… not good and I apologize. We still love you and hope you share similar sentiment.

    PLEASE TRY AGAIN! If you placed multiple orders we will accept all payments and argue like hell when you ATTEMPT to get your money back. Come on…

    Seriously, this is one big mess and we will do our best to make it right… The toilet overflowed….


    PS: call us to rectify… The wait may be just as lengthy–FYI.

  10. Well, I know it won’t be a much-shared opinion, but I had fun, despite not getting everything I wanted. I imagine John cackling at the chaos like a Bond villain! The purpose of blowing out inventory has surely been achieved, I got (crossed-fingers) a few deals, and experienced at least a taste of what it must be like at a Wal-Mart on Black Friday morning. Well done, Team Economaki!.

  11. For a company that make such fine tools ,I can’t believe this is happening .Whoever is in charge of the online sales should be firer .Well what a waste of a day preparing for this .How in the hell are you suppose to know what item to take off if it doesn’t tell you .My Fiance left cause I call her a stupid B cause I thought she didn’t know what she was doing .Yell at my niece for the same reason .Turn out it was even there fault .I’ve not been this upset in a long times .Godddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd@!b /n,.m/,>cmvhjk/.fh,vgnjk,/. bj.,

  12. About 8 o’clock local time here in Detroit, the sale started, and I had as much trouble getting my order in as the rest of the buyers here did. I gave up after an hour and came home from work. I just finished placing an order at midnight local time, and the order went through, got a confirmation number and everything. I missed out on a couple of things, but that’s the price of business, especially with a sale like this. I will call you, John, tomorrow afternoon, taking into consideration the time change, just to make sure that my order order was processed. Maybe by that time you’ll have a quarter of these orders processed. Keep your fingers crossed. Now I know why you only have this sale once a year.

  13. Post morning visual reflections of what it would look like in the BCTW bunker,,,,,,
    Imagine each of us has a wheelbarrow that we put our orders in.
    Then imagine strapping a rocket on each wheelbarrow..
    Then light the fuse.

  14. I had a similar experience when I got through checkout and it wouldn’t let me order because “not all items are available at the requested quantities” (or something like that). The bad part it doesn’t highlight or tell you in any way which.

    But I found that if you click ‘edit cart’ at the lower left corner, it takes you to a page to edit the quantities or remove items. Simply click ‘update’ and you’ll be re-submitting the same quantities you originally wanted, but the page will return with a list of the items not available at those quantities at the top of the cart.

    I lost out on something while experimenting to figure this out; at first I was removing items likely out. Not perfect, but works.

  15. Took me a while, but I figured that one out too, Paul-Marcel. Of course, in the meantime some of the other items had disappeared. Whatever. I still got some amazing tools for practically nothing!!

    Plus, I’m really enjoying reading these blog posts. What a fun group of people. Most blog traffic John’s generated in years! How come his contests don’t get this many people this worked up?!?

    — Peter

  16. That’s a great idea, John. Make the initial cost $459.99 per entry, and then a day before the contest closes have a reduced $45.99 entry cost. But be sure you announce the price reduction a week before. People will flood the contest with entries! Brilliant!

    — Peter

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