The Incredible Work of Dalton Ghetti…

To All Members of the Drivel Starved Nation;

Every once in a while an artist appears with a body of work beyond words…

how cool is this?


6 comments on this post:

  1. John,

    Thank you so much. Not in a century could I accomplish what he has done. I hope that he finishes his huge teardrop for 9/11. Truly fantastic. 😮


  2. Truly amazing. Not just for its curiosity factor. He’s very artistic in his creations. And incredibly skillful.

    Thanks for sharing!

    – Peter

  3. I posted this to Facebook, and someone wondered how he thought to use pencils and I thought about it a little: he’s a carpenter, carpenters use pencils, including the carpenters’ pencils that you sharpen by whittling. I assume he got the idea from that–the saw and the heart on a chain inside a cutout would be impossible without the wider lead of a carpenters pencil.

    Thank you–to a guy who does way more daydreaming and drawing than making, this guy is an inspiration.

  4. What I thought was really fascinating is that several of the pencils are whittled below the lead. The graphite from his fingers colored the high spots making the portion below the carving look like life sustaining veins–a magical, and mystical life force feeding the spirit of these impeccably crafted tiny sculptures.

    I completely agree, one of the most inspirational things I have see in a long while. I can’t wait to see his 9-11 piece.

    Thanks for sharing.


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