“The Beast” Must be Fed…and a Cool New Joint


“The average pencil is seven inches long, with just a half-inch eraser – in case you thought optimism was dead.” — Robert Brault

Geez–took a couple of days off to visit my son in Dallas, TX and the Drivel Starved Nation goes into withdrawal–“The Beast” of course is my fond reference to this totally awesome and worthless blog, so chomp on this DSN…

The TM-1 Tenonmakers have all shipped and there are a couple of dozen available for immediate delivery. The reason they may not show up on our website is that we are transitioning to a new website in the next few days. That is the plan anyway.

FYI, most of the changes to our website are under the hood. One will impact a big percentage of our customers; we are no longer going to store credit cards. This means that you will need to have your card handy when you order via phone or online. The one exception is for our Auto-Order customers, your information is kept in a separate secure system.

In a week or so, we are going to ship the latest run of the DJ-1 Drilling Jig. I mention this because there are 7-10 in the overrun. Remember, you heard it here first. 800-253-3332.

Because of the website update, we have extended the window for ordering the AMPv2. One of your own, DSN member Steve Schafer has posted his comprehensive, independent and transparent review; you can read it here.

Elia is the brains behind Infinity Softworks and we became acquainted during my search for an app programmer for the AMPv2. Little did I know I would become the programmer but not without the help of Elia and his app called powerOne FE.  Here is his blog post on the AMPv2

Coincidentally, Elia resides in the Portland area and we had a fun lunch a few weeks back. He’s a math guy in a big way and has grand ideas on how to revamp math education in this country.

For those of you who would like this app NOW, go to the Apple App Store and purchase powerOne FE. This is one of the most popular financial calculators available–the AngleMaster Pro template can be found amongst all the other goodies in this app. If you have an AMPv2 on order, don’t fret, your $4.95 to Apple and Elia pays a $10 dividend when your AMP arrives–a gift certificate will be enclosed. If you have the original AMP, this works like a champ. When the new website goes up, we will have the info for free.

Do you own a JMP? We are looking for a few good folks who would like airfare and two nights lodging for the upcoming Woodworking in America Conference (Cincinnati area, Sept 30-Oct 1).  We are supplying the JMP’s, you just need to show up and play on them… until I issue the directive to tag team the fence sitters, turn them upside down, relieve them of their wallets and write orders. Sound like fun?  john@bridgecitytools.com to explain why you are the right person for the weekend. Oh, Megan Fox might show up too.

Anybody up for making one of these and reporting back? Watch the movie, then explore the site–fascinating. To me anyway, and methinks you too.


PS: Do I recommend the iPad? Absolutely…probably the most interesting and fun electronic device you can own with the lights on. Did I just say that?

Works with the lights off too.

30 comments on this post:

  1. QuaDror is fascinating!!! It would be fun to have the dimensions to replicate this and to play with the possibilities it presents!
    His other creations are fascinating as well. It would be nice to have dimensions on these as well.


  2. Alan,

    It looks like it is patented which is great-what a mind that conceived that system-I would love to know the backstory…purpose or happenstance? I think there is enough info in the first couple of examples for a motivated mind to figure it out…maybe you yes/no?


  3. John,

    That QuaDror is amazing. I definitely want to build something using that joint.

    As far as the WIA, I would recommend the tag team of Peter and Rutager. I would be more than willing to attend the WIA and teach the two lads for you. 😮 😮


  4. John,

    Before I spend a great deal of time and energy waxing poetic about the reasons you should consider me for the booth job, I’m going to need a better guess on whether or not Megan Fox will be stopping by. I’m pretty sure that once word gets out that there is a convention center full of middle age dudes; supermodels and actresses will flock to Ohio, but I what to be positive it will happen!


    P.S. She looks way better in YOUR Motley Crue t-shirt then you ever did.

  5. Just downloaded the calculator and angle master template. That is an excellent calculator and I’m anxious to use the template with my original AMP.

    Thanks John


  6. Quadror has been getting a lot of press lately, other images that I’ve seen showed what looked like pivot pins holding the parts together, it doesn’t look like they are always necessary. I am intensely jealous, and that doesn’t happen often. I don’t want an Aston Martin, I want to have invented the Quadror. Like when I see Richard Serra sculpture and think that I shouldn’t even bother making art anymore. Dang!


  7. Neil,

    I wish I could accept all the praise, but Elia was the guy who decided that making the app accessible was better than a closed loop…it is a no brainer $5 expense. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

  8. John,

    The QuaDror is made from four identical pieces, fastened together in pairs. The resulting two interdigitated halves of the joint work together like a hinge.

    Overall strength does rely on how well the two pieces of each half are fastened, but it doesn’t appear that the stress on the glue/screw/whatever joint is that high. (I’d hate to be the person who has to do the finite-element analysis on this thing, with all of its odd angles.)

    I put mine together using only high-strength carpet tape, and it feels quite strong under vertical compression. I can stand on it, for example. But I can also imagine that a horizontal shear stress in the right direction would probably pull the taped joints apart.


  9. The QuaDror looks fascinating, very much like Buckminster Fuller’s geodesic Fullerdomes, and perhaps more practical than Hoberman Spheres for collapsible structures.

  10. John,

    I just purchased the power one app and tried to install it on my first gen iPod touch. iTunes says that I have the latest software on it; 3.1.3, but the power one needs 3.2. Will the app only work on the 2nd gen touch, or is something “funny” on my end? Or is this a good excuse to get an iPad?

    Thanks, Rutager

  11. Rutager,

    Here is a fun one word answer to your first gen iPod:


    Here is the long answer, the original iPod will only run iOS up to 3.1.3 as far as I can tell.

    Regarding the iPad, I am a huge fan. It was my first Apple product and now the most used “device” in my life. I really like it. You don’t need it for the AMPv2 app, but I am running my stereo stuff with it now (way fun by the way), and now receive all my newspapers, magazines (including my helicopter mag!) and books. The big complaint is the glare when reading on the beach. I was worried about that after I bought Greenland (all cash) but since most days are overcast up there, not and issue for me. FYI.


  12. The iPad is indeed way beyond cool. One other use besides what John mentioned is to run Bento on it to catalog various collections and portfolios in a great looking way. Rutager, you can also get that amp app for the iPhone. You can go in cheap by getting the 3gs, still being sold, which will run the latest iOS and it has the ipod, gps, etc, etc, built in. Not to mention all the great other apps in a pocket size. I think you can also make calls with it, but who’s got time for that, what with all the physics puzzler games and the chess.com app. But by far the coolest thing for me was setting up my paypal account to receive push notices so whenever I sell something on ebay and the buyer pays, I get a signal and I look down on my screen and it says “You’ve got money”… Man, I never get tired of that!

  13. Just came up from the shop where my first QuaDror just came to fruition. Amazing little piece of engineering. My cuts were at 15 degrees. Pin nailed it like the video. Quite strong. The tricky part is getting the two halves to make a “square”. I will post my results after I do a little work in Solidworks on this.


  14. John,

    “Ebay.” I couldn’t quite figure out what you meant when you said that it would solve my problem. So I thought and I thought, and finally it came to me, I could sell one of Fred’s kidneys on ebay and take the money I made to the Apple store and buy an iPad; brilliant, I’ll load the ice in the car and head to PA.


  15. John,

    I have heard of this thing called sleep. And I understand that there are people who take part in the activity with some regularity.

    That’s about the extent of my familiarity with the concept.


  16. One other thing: I finally managed to get all three videos on the page to play in IE8, Firefox, Chrome and Safari on Windows, Safari and Firefox on the Mac, and Safari on the iPad (!@#$% browser incompatibilities times three different video hosting services…).


  17. Steve,
    Thanks for the great write up that you did. I got a lot out of it. Specifically, how that joint actually works, some new (to me) mathematical concepts and the power of SketchUp as a tool. I just downloaded it to my computer, not only to look at your posts but also to start using it.
    As amusing as the ongoing banter between Rutager and friends is, it’s content like yours that keeps me checking this blog on a regular basis. I appreciate the effort you put into it.


  18. Teo,

    The banter here is one of the best aspects of John’s blogs along with the content that everyone here delivers in one manner or the other. In addition many of us have been around for quite awhile and have become very good friends. We will joke and put each other down but it is all in jest. On the other hand we do not make comments meant to diminish anyone on purpose.


  19. Yeah Fred, I do get it. I’ve been reading the backlog and you guys are very witty indeed–John should be selling tickets. Well, to add to the hilarity, I should add a little quote from “Finding Nemo”, a movie my two young ones watch so often, I’ve just about got it memorized: “With fronds like these, who needs anemones…”


  20. As my scuba diving friend said when she fell in love with an eel, “That’s a moray!”

    – Peter

    P.S. Teo – though I appreciate that you’d love to have actual content here, we members of the Drivel Starved Nation are too wrapped up in trivial insults to engage in actual thinking and productivity. Well … most of us …

  21. Roger that Peter. I’ll be Frank with you if you be Earnest with me. Hold on, you’re franks and wait, who’s on first?
    I know it’s tough to transmit the tone of voice in these little blurbs. I was just trying to thank the guy for doing all that work and tell him that I got a lot out of it. Soooo, as you were gentlemen, carry on… I’ve got to get back to more weighty matters anyway, like this Angry Birds Rio level that’s kicking my butt. We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming on the DSN network–let’s see who do we have next…ah, yes, CUE Rutager comments…3…2…1…

  22. What the heck, do you think that you can just wind me up like a toy monkey and I’ll just start clanging my cymbals together? You know me too well! Yes, the written word is a tricky mistress; I to have put keyboard to screen thinking that my words and explainations were hilarious, witty and clear only to have to swallow them later. We have a great bunch of people sharing thoughts and ideas here and I know I have learned a great deal from the intelligent folks and got some good laughs too.


  23. Blog posts are like dog food–they don’t stay around long enough to spoil.

    That said, all of you HP-6 owners, start thinking about the storage case idea. Tomorrow I am going to post the direct contact to Gerstner and get this ball rolling. Things to ponder; stand alone, wall hung, drawers/shelves/both etc.

    I think radio controlled submarines makes more sense for me. At least when I lose them I can’t see why–makes me feel better just thinking about it!


  24. You’ll definitely lose those radio-controlled submarines, John: radio waves don’t travel under water. At least, not very far.

    Rutager, I think you’re not only hilarious, but have come up with some of the more creative and clever uses and jigs for BCTW tools that I’ve seen. Keep it up, young man!

    (Though I don’t own an HP-6, I still think a milled aluminum case – like a MacBook – would be too cool!)

    – Peter

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