Inspiration is Everywhere: Is This Cool or What?


“Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”
– Ralph Waldo Emerson


As a charter member of the Drivel Starve Nation, I must share this video. After viewing this I feel like I have been wasting my life by getting as little sleep as I do.
I loved the music, the photography and would love to meet this man–I think you will find it equally as fascinating.

11 comments on this post:

  1. There aren’t many videos that I have the patience to watch all the way through – especially if they’re longer than about 3 minutes. Gillian and I watched the whole thing – with the music, it was about as exciting a video as I’ve seen recently.
    What an amazing feat of engineering. Such skill. While I marvel, I’m totally envious of his skill.
    Thanks so much for sharing, John.
    – Peter

  2. Peter-

    Thanks, the video is an inspiration. Small shop, cool & talented guy, really cool, passionate project.

    Do you and Gillian watch “How It’s Made”? That show is fun too.


  3. We do watch “How It’s Made” occasionally. I love that show (plus, it’s Canadian). Mostly we watch cooking shows together: Iron Chef, Chopped. Oh – and Disney…
    I wish they had more craft shows on TV. Or at least shows showing skillful people making beautiful objects. Whatever happened to those shows?
    – Peter

  4. My impression is that I watched a life time of learning all put to use in 3 minutes. Very compact bite of time, but a HUGE amount of preparation to get there. Inspiring.


  5. Nope. It’s copper with soldered rivets and joints and then painted with black grill paint. It’s held up well!

    A Sherline lathe and milling machine and a kit were all that it took to complete.


  6. John,

    Have you finally given into the wood working Taliban and supplied materials and the above video so they can now have a motor for their JMP?


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