“If you always do what you always did, you will always get what you always got. “
— Albert Einstein
I have the coolest job in the world. How cool you ask?
You can tell by examining the bags under my eyes — which means I have not been sleeping. Get this — in the last two weeks I am averaging less than 4 hours per sleep/night. I don’t like it, and I can’t help it.
Our new HP-10 Foxtail Convertible Plane is the reason why. Frankly, I think this is one of the most exciting new tools ever, and the culmination and fermentation of 10 years of work. I believe it is a complete game-changer in functionality, ergonomics, economics and space requirements. I also know I am prone to speaking in absolutes, generalities and hyperbole. My answer? My name is John and I approved everything I said about the HP-10 Foxtail plane. And, I believe it tool — if not, why bother?
Tomorrow, you will receive the pre-order email on the HP-10, and it is important to understand how we are going to deal with all the capabilities of this tool — so now would be a good time to pay attention DSN.
The offer tomorrow will be for the HP-10 Foxtail Convertible Rabbet Plane. This will include everything you need to make rabbets including the unisex rabbet depth foot, and the universal 45/90 degree fence kit, scoring cutter and of course the body and iron. And this is just the beginning.
The next “Convertible” option will be the Foxtail Shoulder Plane kit. This will include front and rear soles, a lower attack angle iron for end grain and universal depth skids. Why universal depth skids? Because they will work on both the rabbet conversion, shoulder conversion and… yes the dovetail conversion down the road.
After the shoulder conversion, we will introduce the Foxtail Crown conversion kit, consisting of the soles and iron only. The fence you need is included in the rabbet kit.
In 2014, we will introduce the Foxtail Dovetail conversion kit, which will do sliding dovetails. Following that are some unique dado/groove soles and the tongue and groove kit. After that, I will post, on this totally and awesome blog, the other profiles I want for myself and allow you, the Drivel Starved Nation to vote on their order of introduction.
I also have a couple of suggestions. Let’s say you only want the HP-10 Foxtail shoulder plane kit, and that is fine. I suggest you order the Foxtail body only from the window opening tomorrow because we are only going to make bodies for this plane once a year. We will re-make profile kits when the interest hits our minimum mfg.number which is typically no less than 300 units. Also, we have some customers who like separate bodies for each profile, and if you are one of those, I suggest ordering the bodies in the window opening tomorrow. As always, if our timing and your timing is off, call us for layaway options because we are going to remain in the anti-inventory business for the foreseeable future, and more likely until I croak.
Lastly, everything we are introducing is backward compatible with the limited edition (50) Stainless steel Foxtail rabbet planes.
As mentioned earlier, we will continue to offer new profiles for the HP-6 and continue to make bodies. I love that little plane. The HP-10 Foxtail allows us to do profiles that are next to impossible with the HP-6. Make sense now?

Did I mention how excited I am about this plane? I may need to see a physician because part of me has been excited for more than 4 hours…now that is exciting!
— John