Off to “Woodworking in America” and other News…

It is going to be a long two weeks for your favorite Tool Potentate.

This weekend I will be demonstrating a couple of new things, showing a couple of new prototypes, and meeting customers–one of which I am certain Fred West is going to nominate for next year’s Sh!t Bunny Award.  This should be fun even though I am sure to develop a whopping case of writer’s cramp…you know, from orders…

Then I am off to Indianapolis for a Tool Making class at Marc Adams School of Woodworking. That should be fun. There are still a couple of openings for those who live in the area.  Speaking of which, I am thinking of teaching a week-long class on tool design next year at MASW–we need more people making cool tools. Really–rising tides raise all boats.

We were going to close the order window for the DJ-1 Universal Jaws this week but have decided to wait until after WIA to include those orders as well. As you may know, we were recently able to reduce the retail price well over $100.

Speaking of which, sometime today we will update our website with the prices for the extension jaws that several of you think you need. Actually, I have a couple of really cool ideas for pin wheel gears with these jaws.

We really scrambled the past couple of weeks to get a Jointmaker Pro SW ready for this show. If you have manufacturing experience, I invite you stop by and figure out how we are able to sell this for $795–consider that good handsaws are now 3-400 smackers. Here is a pic of the unit we shipped off yesterday;

I will also have a JMP with the new ball bearing rails. We are getting real close to filling all our orders and yes we are late–so I expect an assassination attempt (or eight) in Cincinnati. If you find me prone in my booth go ahead and loot–money clip is in front left pocket.

For those of you who have a table saw and do not own a KM-1 Kerfmaker, please see a doctor… or me, I will trade you cash for one. Live. In real time. No waiting.

If you are going to WIA, please stop by and say hello!


16 comments on this post:

  1. Front left pocket. Got it.

    – Peter

    P.S. Talk about ADHD – it’s sad that that’s the only thing I got out of your post..

  2. John,

    “It is going to be a long two weeks for your favorite Tool Potentate.”

    I would like to apologise in advance for my contribution to your long two weeks; as I will be in attendance for both events!

    Maybe we can get Fred to see how many Kerfmakers he can fit into his mouth. Then we can tell him he has to buy them all since they’re full of drool. Big laughs for us, big sales for you- Nice!

    I’m looking forward to meeting some of the DSN this weekend.


  3. Peter,

    When an old man asks you to reach into his front pocket for something, IT IS ALWAYS A TRICK!

    Long two weeks indeed!


  4. $300-$400 for a good handsaw? C’mon: Top of the line custom? Yes.”Good” is way lower.

  5. Rutager, I was picturing John being unconscious while I stole his money. But you’re right – it could still be a trick.

    I love your idea of the Kerfmakers and Fred’s mouth. Other than the fact that it’s Fred and he’d be drooling, it would be a great picture!

    So – whose piece do you think will merit the next Sh!t Bunny award? Perhaps a shop-made Tenonmaker constructed of MDF?

    Looking forward to seeing you!

    – Peter

  6. Peter,



    I was hoping to check out all the booths and tools, but now that Peter brings up the point of the homemade “tenonmaker,” I might not be able to leave the general vicinity of BCTW until that first Lumberjock stops by! I’ll bring my camera!


    I don’t work for or have any affiliation with BCTW beyond giving them all my money in exchange for cool tools. But that will not be stopping me from trying to sell Peter and Fred HP-6’s this weekend. It’s for their own good!


  7. Aha. My friends who are hording gold and silver coins will be MOST interested.

    Anyhow, no defense is actually necessary. I think smackers might mean yen, so maybe I’ll order some replacement blades for the saws…

  8. Jealous. Last year in Valley Forge was fun (and close!). I compromised by taking the day off. I rolled a 180 with my new-used bowling ball and got a haircut.

  9. John –

    Nice visiting with you, Peter and Rutager and many others at the show. I think I’ll have to go make that mortise and tenon joint tomorrow to see if I can beat the ‘seat-of-the-pants’ show attempt we tried.

    The new upgraded JMP is really smooth to use. A worth upgrade.

    Enjoyed seeing the CT-17 plane and the new Tenonmaker.

    Rained all the way on my drive back to Chicago. I knew buying a bench and trowing it top of the car was a bad idea!

    Good luck on your second week teaching.


  10. Neil;

    Nice to see you too…hey, by the way, after you left I noticed a couple of tools missing from my display–can you share with the Drivel Starved Nation what they pulled at your local pawn shop?



  11. Are you serious that you’re missing some tools, John? That would definitely merit a hit squad…

    It was so fun spending time with you, Rutager, Neil, and bunches of other BCTW enthusiasts (though apparently not DSN members). Very stimulating. I still have all my fingers after making about a foot of wiggle wood/dowel. Fun!

    Looking forward to doing it again.

    – Peter

  12. I got 29 cents for the cutoffs from the JMP and 79 cents for the BCT poster. That’s all the gas money I could muster.

    It must have been Rutager.

    I saw a HP-7 in his back pocket in the booth. I’m sure he never knew it was there as he drove home.


  13. No, I am not missing any tools–I was trying to shame Neil into buying more but he is too damn smart.

    What do you think of this idea for next year…we get a lot more space and BCTW sets up 6 or 7 Jointmakers as stations, and we actually make something with the help of the participants?

    That could be fun.

    It was a good weekend but I am spent.


  14. All,

    What a blast, It was cool meeting Peter, Fred, Neil, and many other great woodworkers!

    Peter and I had decided to make a “silent” mortise and tenon joint on Sunday using the DJ-1, CT-16, Tenonmaker and the JMP. Well not really silent, as our jaws were flapping the whole time!
    It was a bit comical as we moved about the show floor borrowing tools from several other boothes, and me trying to hold a small board while Peter tried to get everything square under terrible lighting and my dismal clampimg pressure. Neil and John joined in and we did okay, but in a actual shop it would have been perfect (but, maybe not as many laughs!)

    Instead of swipping tools, I decided to break them. I made a bone head move and dropped the VP-60 iron on the edge, putting a dent in the cutting edge! Denab at LN was kind enough to sand out the dent, but we ran out of time to get it sharp again. Yes, I feel like an idiot!

    I love the idea of making some things in the booth with multiple JMPs. I also think a huge crowd would gather to watch.


  15. That could be a lot of fun John – my JMP is portable!

    Oh, and you don’t need to shame me into buying more tools. Just keep designing cool stuff, building them in limited production runs so anticipation builds, and I’m sure the habit will continue! For me and quite a few others.


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