We Are Only Making 50 of These…


“Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes, and having fun.” — Mary Lou Cook

For the past two years we have produced a limited edition tool unlike all our other offerings. Each edition is limited to 50. They are not for everybody but they are fun for us to do.

Here is this years edition, a Special Edition Fox Tail Crowning Plane (2″ Dia). If you purchased one, or both of the previous Fox Tail Special editions, an email will be arriving soon.

This is a bevel-up profile plane which flies smack in the face of conventional profile plane design. We also happen to know it works fantastic. This tool will never be made again, but it will allow us to proceed with some really interesting ideas down the road.

The body is solid 303 stainless and the fence is anodized aluminum for weight considerations.


13 comments on this post:

  1. Gee John, you sure make it hard for me to give you money (limiting the offer to previous Fox Tail owners).
    Having just found your site two years ago and not being a Fox Tail owner relegates me to second-class citizen.
    Maybe one day …


    P.S. Beautiful plane!

  2. Joe,

    You are not a second class citizen- the previous supporters of this aspect of our business have the first option-as it should be. Not all will partake, so give the office a call on Monday.

    And thanks for the compliment-it is a special plane, been working on it off and on for about 18 months.


  3. Thanks for the reply John. I was just trying out my weird brand of humor with the “second-class citizen” remark. I’ll see if I can snag one next week.

    At times I think I understand your business model, although such a small production run seems like a great way to limit income when the tools are so highly sought-after tools.

    But hey, it’s your sandbox, you make the rules and I just play in and admire it.

    Have a great weekend,


    P.S. I’m a chemist and not a businessman so now you know where my business acumen lies.

  4. Woah John, that’s some sexy-stainless.
    Tool porn like this is borderline NSFW!
    When are you going to make a bona-fide plow plane?
    You know you want to! I know I want one 🙂

  5. Well Niels, I can tell you this…

    The sole on this plane is removable…

    …and that is all I am going to say about that.



  6. John,

    Love it! Your foxtail design is fantastic and looks great on this incarnation too. I’m keeping my place in line!


  7. John,

    This series seems to “show up and make my eyes bug out”. I had the same reaction to this as when the first ASP-25 popped up on my screen. I confess, that one is still new, but I routinely use my CT-14 as well as HP-7 and I find these to be incredibly comfortable and functional shoulder planes. I’m going to struggle with the temptation to put this plane to some wood when I get it. “Multiple Soles” is a great concept for this plane. WAY cool. I haven’t seen anything show up yet in the mail so keep my place in line please. This is a “Got to have it” plane.

    p.s. I left the info you requested on the zero kerf folding saw on the blog pertaining to the saws John.

    Have a great weekend

  8. John,

    Since we’re on the topic of cool new shoulder planes; can you give an update on the HP-7’s replacement?


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