New HP-10 Profiles Uncovered…

"A healthy attitude is contagious but don't wait to catch it from others. Be a carrier." — Tom Stoppard

Drivel Starved Nation;

Geez, do I have a bunch of stuff to report! But it will have to wait. Meanwhile, here are a couple of updates;

1) I have all the details for our excellent field trip to China this fall and I will post them before weeks end.
2) The parts for the CT-19 Transfer Bevel are done with machining, you can follow the progress here
4) The miter square run is back on track (we had some supplier issues). That’s good news.
5) Had a fire at my house, little damage, will report on this later – yes, it could happen to you.
6) Spent 5 days in the hospital 3 weeks ago. Not a fun experience. Will report on this later as well. (I am fine) And yes, this could happen to you as well.
7) I am now on month four of an idea that I am not sure will work. I am going to build a prototype and if it works, I will really be happy and I think you will be happy too! Continue reading

HP-10 Foxtail Convertible Plane Crown Kit …

Dear Drivel Starved Nation;

For those of you that follow this Totally Awesome and Worthless Blog, you know that one, you need to get a life – you should be in your shop making something. Oh wait, you are at work… Continue reading