New Tool from Bridge City Tool Works…

"Fast is fine, but accuracy is everything." — Wyatt Earp

Drivel Starved Nation;

Today I offer you some drivel with some “fresh off the bone” meat — we have a new tool!

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All New CS6v2 Combination Square from Bridge City Tool Works

"Put your heart, mind, and soul into even your smallest acts. This is the secret of success." — Swami Sivananda

Drivel Starved Nation;

I have been busy, so busy in fact I just remembered that the Drivel Starved Nation needs food  more drivel so here ya go…

On the top of our request list is the CS-12v2 Combination Square and I am pleased to announce that we will open pre-orders in the next week or so. That said, I always wanted to make the 6″ version, so we will piggy back the 6″ and the 12″ runs and make both a brass and stainless steel versions of the 6″ combination square.

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