New Tool from Bridge City Tool Works…

"Fast is fine, but accuracy is everything." — Wyatt Earp

Drivel Starved Nation;

Today I offer you some drivel with some “fresh off the bone” meat — we have a new tool!

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Changing the World One Photograph at a Time…

"Gratitude bestows reverence, allowing us to encounter everyday epiphanies, those transcendent moments of awe that change forever how we experience life and the world." — John Milton

Drivel Starved Nation;

It was an exciting time to be a furniture designer/maker back in the 1970’s. I can still remember the excitement of my first commission —it’s such an honor when others want your work in their home. I was so lucky.

But this luck came with a caveat. All of the people who were ordering furniture from me had money. Lots of money. Continue reading