Inspiration is Everywhere…

Drivel Starved Nation!

I know it must seem like I croaked, or worse, whatever that means, but here I am spewing a little drivel your way…

I just returned from my annual work retreat and since so many of you wonder about how this works, here is a little insight.

Each year, for the past 15 years or so, I have left the office for two weeks to focus on new ideas, most are new tool ideas.

What I look for in a place to stay is a good chair and work surface and typically a good deal on a hotel. The location is meaningless to me other than it is NOT my work or home office.

Once I arrive I set up my CAD workstation, head to the store for food supplies and then settle in for a brainstorming session with myself.  A typical work session starts with a “I wonder what would happen if I tried this…” and then, usually by day two, the muse is in full control. It is, without question, the two most important weeks of the year for me. It is so important that I am actually thinking of doing this every six months.

The first thing that happens is the lack of time consciousness. Since there are no phone calls, no people, and I am disconnected from that pesky little thing we call e-mail, it is amazing what one can do creatively in a few short weeks. There are days where I never leave my accommodations and waking up in the middle of the night happens frequently —  it always amazes me as to how the subconscious provides ideas that never materialize while awake.

This year I was able to complete five new products during this retreat, and that is about four more than I will be able to do during the next 50 weeks! That is the drag effect of running a business on the creative mind.

Anyway, this week I am wading through all my neglected emails, which of course is so much fun I can barely contain myself…

One day, I did take about an hour and outline a process as to how I can feed the DSN with copious amounts of drivel and I have some ideas….

Meanwhile, check out this wooden clock from Japan, it writes the time!

-Still Your Tool Potentate




Rain, The Holidays, and My Ineptitude…

“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.” — Albert Einstein

Dear Drivel Starved Nation;

Two weeks ago I woke up in the middle of the night bothered by a couple of design decisions I made. This is not unusual, but it is rare when it happens AFTER we have announced a new product. Continue reading

Chopstick Master from Bridge City Wins Major Award in China…

Drivel Starved Nation-

I created this blog as a space where I can act like an idiot, insult our customers, shamelessly plug new product ideas, embarrass my grown children, create mayhem for the staff here, and occasionally share information that is actually interesting. That said, I sadly announce that we have some good news to share. Continue reading

The Chopstick Olympics and Other Cool News…

“Though I can and sometimes do use chopsticks, I much prefer using my hands to pee.” — Jarod Kintz

Drivel Starved Nation!

I am back from my third trip to Asia in the last six months and this was the best trip yet  — I have lots of news to share.

I stopped by the factory producing the Chopstick Master and watched as the very first units were being boxed. This was so cool to see. Production right now is constrained to 1,000 units per month, but will dramatically increase at the first of the year.  Here’s a pic; Continue reading

Making Chopsticks the Bridge City Way… September 9th is the Day!

"Creativity isn’t about wild talent as much as it’s about productivity. To find new ideas that work, you need to try a lot that don’t. It’s a pure numbers game." — Robert Sutton

Drivel Starved Nation;

Sunday I leave for China, my third visit in the last six months.  I must say, the experiences and friendships I have accumulated are lasting and incredibly rewarding.  This may be the most fun six months of my BCTW business life. To think it took 32 years to have this much fun doesn’t say much for me does it? Oh well. Continue reading

The Chopstick Master version 2… V3 is in Production!

Drivel Starved Nation,

I just returned from a trade show in Taipei demonstrating version two of the Chopstick Master.

All I can say is “WOW”.  Just like in Shanghai, the people making chopsticks were about as happy as happy can be. I really feel damn lucky that this idea has been so well received, again. It was 4 days of pure joy – you can view the Shanghai video here. The Taipei video will be done in a couple of weeks and you will be able to see for yourself how much fun I had.  The image below is of Team Chopstick Taipei, the tall freak in the back is your favorite Tool Potentate. The “Chopstick Girls” are in the front row and they truly are Chopstick Masters after this exhibition! Continue reading

New Block Plane from Bridge City with Depth Skids

"The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance." — Alan Watts

Drivel Starved Nation;

I think I am getting older than I want to admit.

Several posts back I commented that we would never introduce a plane without depth skids unless it makes no sense. And what happened? Yesterday I did just the opposite. OOPS.

Continue reading

Inspiration is Everywhere: This Video is Fascinating!

Mathematical reasoning may be regarded rather schematically as the exercise of a combination of two facilities, which we may call intuition and ingenuity. — Alan Turing

Dear Drive Starved Nation:

Inspiration is Everywhere..

I just discovered this video and thought it worth sharing. It’s about making. So don’t freak out when you don’t see any wood.

There is another version where he makes a similar project from wood, but it’s nowhere near as interesting as what he does here. It is particularly fascinating how he uses a three jawed chuck and the proper geometry to make a cube on a metal lathe. This is a perfect example of how math can be taught using a real, mind bending idea. I hope you like it-


PS: His choice of music had me reaching for the mute key.


Inspiration is Everywhere – And how thankful we all are for it to be there!!