A Treasure Trove of Bridge City Tools Headed for Auction…

Drivel Starved Nation!

A long, long time ago, in a woodshop far away, I started Bridge City Tool Works. 1983 to be exact. Continue reading

The Most Amazing Hand-Held Router I Have EVER Seen…

Drivel Starved Nation;

As mentioned in a previous post, I flew down to San Francisco a couple of weekends ago to attend Maker Faire San Mateo.  It is billed as the “Largest Show and Tell on Earth” and as one who has never used superlatives (lie), I would say this was an understatement (truth).

I realize I don’t get out much (sort of a lie), and it is difficult for me to keep up with current events (pretty much a lie). For example, I just found out that “Leave it to Beaver” has been canceled (big fat lie). I loved that show (truth).

Anyway, if you have seen what I am about to share, congrats. If you have not, prepare to be gobsmacked.

There is a new hand-held router that will supposedly hit the market this year that allows you to do CNC quality shaping completely by hand. Yes, hand held.  Here’s how it works to the best of my limited knowledge (true);

The router has a camera on the non-operator side that scans the work surface for markings on special tape that you put down before you begin.  This allows the router to establish a virtual Cartesian X/Y coordinate system. Basically it knows where it is in relation to the unique markings on the tape.


The profile that you want to shape is created in a computer and it is downloaded to the router.  The profile appears on a screen on the operator side of the router.

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Chopstick Master Version 2 with a Really Fun Twist….

Dear Drivel Starved Nation-

I have been crazy busy the past two months. I went to China to finalize version 2 of the Chopstick Master and I am pleased to announce that when this version hits the streets this fall, it will sell for $195 buckaroos. That by-the-way, is $50 LESS than our HP-8 with depth skids ALONE.  This is a screaming cool value.  And our pledge to you; even though this is made in China, the quality is as good—or better—than what you have come to expect from Bridge City over the past 33 years.

Three weeks ago we attended a media event in NYC regarding the Chopstick Master v2 and I will share the results of that jaunt as they come in. A couple of fashionistas made chopsticks for their… hair!

Chopstick Hair 1

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Bridge City 2016 Fab 50 Tool Announced…

Drivel Starved Nation!

This week I head back to China to attend a trade show featuring the Chopstick Master and while I am there we will be developing version 2.  I am looking forward to this trip, my fourth to China in the past 12 months. Continue reading

Inspiration is Everywhere…

Drivel Starved Nation!

I know it must seem like I croaked, or worse, whatever that means, but here I am spewing a little drivel your way…

I just returned from my annual work retreat and since so many of you wonder about how this works, here is a little insight.

Each year, for the past 15 years or so, I have left the office for two weeks to focus on new ideas, most are new tool ideas.

What I look for in a place to stay is a good chair and work surface and typically a good deal on a hotel. The location is meaningless to me other than it is NOT my work or home office.

Once I arrive I set up my CAD workstation, head to the store for food supplies and then settle in for a brainstorming session with myself.  A typical work session starts with a “I wonder what would happen if I tried this…” and then, usually by day two, the muse is in full control. It is, without question, the two most important weeks of the year for me. It is so important that I am actually thinking of doing this every six months.

The first thing that happens is the lack of time consciousness. Since there are no phone calls, no people, and I am disconnected from that pesky little thing we call e-mail, it is amazing what one can do creatively in a few short weeks. There are days where I never leave my accommodations and waking up in the middle of the night happens frequently —  it always amazes me as to how the subconscious provides ideas that never materialize while awake.

This year I was able to complete five new products during this retreat, and that is about four more than I will be able to do during the next 50 weeks! That is the drag effect of running a business on the creative mind.

Anyway, this week I am wading through all my neglected emails, which of course is so much fun I can barely contain myself…

One day, I did take about an hour and outline a process as to how I can feed the DSN with copious amounts of drivel and I have some ideas….

Meanwhile, check out this wooden clock from Japan, it writes the time!

-Still Your Tool Potentate




The Chopstick Master from Bridge City; Production Prototype Images

“A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing.” — George Bernard Shaw

Dear Drivel Starved Nation;

The first production prototype came in last Thursday and I thought I would share with you a sneak peek. As mentioned, this item will be made completely in China and I think you will be thrilled with the quality.

Before we move on to the pictures, I want to thank all who commented on the logo – all my teachers in my life and my deceased parents would be pleased to learn that I do indeed listen.

Here is the new copyrighted logo for the box and the Chopstick Master; Continue reading

The 2015 Bridge City Fab 50 Tool is Announced… Think Copper!

“The person who follows the crowd will usually go no further than the crowd. The person who walks alone is likely to find himself in places no one has ever seen before.” — Albert Einstein

Drivel Starved Nation;

I spent the month of February working on some new concepts and I finally finished the 2015 Fab 50 tool. Why the name “Fab 50”? Because each year we pick a design and fabricate 50 units and move on to something else the following year. This year’s version is something else…

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Limited Edition North Bennet St. School Try Squares are Done!

"Presents are made for the pleasure of who gives them, not the merits of who receives them."— Carlos Ruiz Zafón, The Shadow of the Wind

Drivel Starved Nation!

Next week I begin my annual work retreat, and I can’t wait to see what the muse will deliver this trip. This will be my 14th year of holing up somewhere and do nothing but think about tools for two weeks. And as long as Megan Fox leaves me alone, it is incredibly productive… Continue reading

All New CS6v2 Combination Square from Bridge City Tool Works

"Put your heart, mind, and soul into even your smallest acts. This is the secret of success." — Swami Sivananda

Drivel Starved Nation;

I have been busy, so busy in fact I just remembered that the Drivel Starved Nation needs food  more drivel so here ya go…

On the top of our request list is the CS-12v2 Combination Square and I am pleased to announce that we will open pre-orders in the next week or so. That said, I always wanted to make the 6″ version, so we will piggy back the 6″ and the 12″ runs and make both a brass and stainless steel versions of the 6″ combination square.

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